Mother's Day Rose Bouquet
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Amazing Mum
Mother's Day Rose Bouquet
This Mother's Day bouquet is the perfect gift for a loved one. Each bouquet features six large artificial roses with three smaller roses in the middle, complete with leaves, stems and gift wrap.
Artificial flowers are used as a symbol of everlasting love, as the flowers will never die!
Each carton contains two assorted colours; pink and white.
Price in GBP
£2.25 excl. VAT
£27.00 excl. VAT
- We currently have 24 cartons in stock.
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- Specification
- Info
- Product Dimensions: Overall L26 x W18cm, Large roses 6cm DIA, Small roses 3cm DIA
- Packaged Weight: 0.079kg
- Materials: Plastic and polyester
- Packaging: Swing tag
- Each carton contains two assorted colours.
- Pink
- White